L’Aquila Joint Astroparticle Colloquia 2021/2022

L’Aquila Joint Astroparticle Colloquia is a series of regular events jointly organized by the Gran Sasso Science Institute, the Physics Department of the University of L’Aquila, and the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of INFN. 
The Colloquia are regular events, taking place every week on Wednesday at 2.30pm (CEST) from November to June. 
The purpose of these lectures is to provide a review of the state of knowledge and investigation on selected topics with a broad and critical view of the field, and to offer a vision for the future.
Since last year we decided to hold all our Colloquia in a remote mode.

The Colloquia agenda is available here.

More information on how to receive updates of the schedule and reminders can be found here.


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